PC Zone’s staff rated the game 7 out of 10, stating "We can't wholeheartedly recommend 7 Sins as a total gaming experience..",but added "... it honestly isn't anywhere near as bad as some might tell you. They're just too timid to admit it
- OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
- Processor: 1 GHz
- Memory: 128 Mb
- Hard Drive: 900 Mb free
- Video Memory: 32 Mb
- Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 Compatible
- DirectX: 9.0
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- DVD Rom Drive
Part 1: http://www.indowebster.com/7SINSpart1rar__1.html
Part 2: http://www.indowebster.com/7SINSpart2rar__1.html
Part 3: http://www.indowebster.com/7SINSpart3rar__1.html
Part 4: http://www.indowebster.com/7SINSpart4rar.html
Part 5: http://www.indowebster.com/7SINSpart5rar.html
Part 6: http://www.indowebster.com/7SINSpart6rar.html
Part 7: http://www.indowebster.com/7SINSpart7rar.html
Part 8: http://www.indowebster.com/7SINSpart8rar.html
Password : www.warezakias.info